Sunday, February 24, 2008

Iacta Est Alea

After Ten Years in the Babel of Iron, Newsman Daniel C. Manjarrez Returns.

“After an absence of ten years, the distinguished journalist is once again among us, now transformed into a formidable practitioner of the most advanced radio and television techniques....”

“....Manjarrez is still the young man whom we saw depart in 1943 for what we can only consider to have been a most advantageous sojourn in the gran urbe de acero (great steel metropolis).... Notwithstanding the obstacles which always confront a Latino in tierras norteamericanas ... it could be said of Manjarrez, that he came, he saw, he conquered!”

In successive and frothy crescendos, then as now so typical of mexican journalistic poetics, the article progressed onward to relate father’s accomplishments at the War Department, CBS and lastly the United Nations, before descending to confess the deplorable state of Mexican television which -- on top of all else para colmo! -- owing to the age old habit of treasonous malinchismo preferred utilizing “inept” Europeans over domestic talent.

“On this occasion we shall see if it is possible for a Mexican, who has triumphed in New York, can triumph as well in his homeland, especially at this time when Mexican television abounds in false values that at best do not surpass the mediocre.”


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